eLife FAQ


eLife welcomes the submission of Research Articles, Short Reports, Tools and Resources articles, Research Advances, Scientific Correspondence and Review Articles in the subject areas below. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chromosomes and Gene Expression; Computational and Systems Biology; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Epidemiology and Global Health; Evolutionary Biology; Genetics and Genomics; Human Biology and Medicine; Immunology and Inflammation; Microbiology and Infectious Disease; Neuroscience; Physics of Living Systems; Plant Biology; Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine; Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics   eLife is a selective, not for profit peer-reviewed open access scientific journal for the biomedical and life sciences. It was established at the end of 2012 by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Max Planck Society, and Wellcome Trust, following a workshop held in 2010 at the Janelia Farm Research Campus. Together, these organizations provided the initial funding to support the business and publishing operations. In 2016, the organization committed US$26 more...

Is eLife a reputable journal?

eLife is a peer reviewed journal in Biomedicine filed which is published by eLife Sciences Publications Ltd, the latest Impact factor of eLife is 8.142 eLife Impact Factor.

What eLife stands for?

eLife is a peer reviewed journal, published by eLife Sciences Publications Ltd since 2012, The journal covers primary research from any discipline within Biomedicine and Neuroscience

What is eLife acceptance rate?

The manuscript acceptance rate of eLife is 15.4%, for more details about eLife acceptance rate please visit : eLife acceptance rate

Is eLife a paid journal?

Is eLife an Indexed journal?

The eLife Journal is indexed in various databases like Web Of Science (WoS), PubMed, UGC, Scopus. Indexing Details of eLife

Is eLife Web Of Science (WoS) Indexed journal?

Yes eLife Journal is indexed is Web Of Science (WoS). please visit for all indexing details : Indexing Details of eLife

Is eLife Scopus Indexed journal?

Yes eLife Journal is indexed is Scopus. please visit for all indexing details : Indexing Details of eLife and eLife on Scopus.

Is eLife Pubmed Indexed journal?

Yes eLife Journal is indexed is Pubmed. please visit for all indexing details : Indexing Details of eLife and eLife on Pubmed Catalog.

Is eLife a peer reviewed journal?

eLife is a peer reviewed journal in Biomedicine filed which is published by eLife Sciences Publications Ltd.

What is the impact factor of eLife?

The eLife latest impact factor is 8.142 which is just updated in 2024. eLife Impact Factor 2023-2024

What is the H-Index of eLife?

The H-index of eLife is 139 which is just updated in 2024.

What is the abbreviation of eLife?

The Abbreviation of eLife is eLife. visit for more information : eLife abbreviation

Is eLife trusted?

eLife welcomes the submission of Research Articles, Short Reports, Tools and Resources articles, Research Advances, Scientific Correspondence and Review Articles in the subject areas below. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology; Cancer Biology; Cell Biology; Chromosomes and Gene Expression; Computational and Systems Biology; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Epidemiology and Global Health; Evolutionary Biology; more...

Who owns eLife?

eLife is a peer reviewed journal published by eLife Sciences Publications Ltd.

How do I publish in eLife journal?

If you are looking for publish your research paper in eLife journal, please visit journal manuscript submission portal. more details...

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