Nature Genetics - Abstract & Indexing

Nature Genetics Indexing

Nature Genetics PubMed Indexed Journal
Nature Genetics Scopus Indexed Journal
Nature Genetics Scimago Indexed Journal
Nature Genetics Clarivate Indexed Journal
Nature Genetics UGC Indexed Journal
Nature Genetics Journal is Peer Review

Note : Please visit Indexing site to sure the journal is indexed or not.

Scopus Indexed Journals 2025

Nature Genetics Details

Journal Name Nature Genetics
Journal Abbreviation Nature Genetics Abbreviation
Journal Print 1061-4036 (10614036)
Journal Online 1546-1718 (15461718)
Impact Factor Nature Genetics Impact Factor
CiteScore Nature Genetics CiteScore
Acceptance Rate Nature Genetics Acceptance Rate
SCImago Journal Rank Nature Genetics SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)

Nature Genetics

Nature Genetics is a monthly journal publishing the best research from across the field of genetics, with our broad scope ensuring that work published reaches the widest possible audience. All editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors. Nature Genetics publishes the very highest quality research in genetics. It encompasses genetic and functional genomic studies on human and plant traits and on other model organisms. Current emphasis is on the genetic basis for common and complex diseases and on the functional mechanism, architecture and evolution of gene networks, studied by experimental perturbation. Integrative genetic topics comprise, but are not limited to: Genes in the pathology of human disease Molecular analysis of simple and complex genetic traits Cancer genetics Agricultural genomics Developmental genetics Regulatory variation in gene expression Strategies and technologies for extracting function from genomic data Pharmacological genomics Genome evolution more...

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